The recession nationally, would have been a lot better off without such ridiculous and frivolous "stimulus" add-ons like that list of requested capital projects from the US Conference of Mayors. If you haven't casually browsed this list, it is highly recommended, because it is comedy writing at its best. Al Franken will do well in the Senate at this pace. $40 million for a Homeland Security training facility in Oklahoma that doubles as a manager training facility for motels. You can't make this nonsense up.
State wise, Michigan has been spending billions on wasteful projects instead of protecting business investments to the state. They never seemed to diversify any further outside of the automotive industry, and Mrs. Granholm just continues to burn through tax payer money. Instead of encouraging their transition, Madame Governor sought to expand expensive green energy policies. Sound familiar? Instead of protecting jobs, she protected unemployment benefits and union interests. As it stands, Michigan's per capita is dropping and unemployment is skyrocketing way past national averages. Rumor has it, Michigan hasn't hit bottom yet, and bottom is a ways to go. Try and blame the conservative representatives, because you can't, it is a one party state.
Shall I Put That Into Large Bills?
This is just a series of foolish liberal ideology that President Bush shouldered at the end of his tenure, and President Obama is quickly expanding. Instead of punishing failure, and allowing businesses to earn their punishment for not being competitive in the market, we are destroying the Nation. We are telling businesses, like many of the employed, and those who have made gross errors in their financial lives; "don't worry, help is on the way!" Culturally, we are bastardizing the competitive spirit of all people, and replacing it with this government caretaker. Instead of Lady Liberty recognizing her nephew has a gambling problem, she just slips him another $400 and looks the other way.
We must stop the government from shelling out bailouts and rewards to those who fail. It is our tax money, supposed to be used to help support an institution that WE govern. I don't pay my taxes so people who don't pay them are rewarded with a US Treasury Secretary position. I don't pay my taxes so people who don't pay them are rewarded with a Health and Human Services Secretary position. How about appointing executives with poor judgement to the Supreme Court? How about bailing out corrupt, failed, campaign-contributing financial institutions so their directors can go on vacation and receive most of the bailout in the form of bonuses? Human embryonic stem-cell research shows less promise then adult stem-cell research, and we're advancing them more grants.
We all know what happens to the wealthy, spoiled brat who continually fails, while his father just knocks down any road locks on the kid's path to success. He assumes he deserves EVERYTHING and gets whatever he wants, hungry with power. Is this the lesson we are to pass onto our children? If you fail, someone will clean up the mess. The taxpaying in this country are tired of cleaning up messes and there has to be a breaking point. Bring back competition, and quit rewarding failure with my hard labor.
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