Friday, July 17, 2009

Ohio: Barometer for Failure

Congratulations social agenda! Ohio is the 7th worst state for employment in the nation. We haven't hit the bottom yet, as there has already been another massive round of layoffs for the month of July. If the Obama Administration Stimulus has had any effect, the graph would show at least a blip. Nothing. So again, congratulations, with benefits running out, there should be a much larger and angrier group of citizens. Shall we wave the media wand of Hope and Change? Or will they actually see what little greedy politicians have to offer a group of uncaring television worshippers. Here's to creating jobs and getting us out of bankruptcy by spending money that doesn't even exist.

Please note that the steepest unemployment began just after the November 2008 Congressional elections. Our legislature handles the budget and unemployment, so remember to hold them accountable, our Democrat majority, who clearly has not a clue as to which end is up.

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Why America is a Fiscal Nightmare

It never ceases to amaze me of the number of ridiculous lobbyist organizations out there. They seem to have corralled and saddled our nation's legislature to brand them with all kinds of bills that benefit very few while burdening the majority. Please take a look at H.R. 1018: Restore Our American Mustangs Act. The name sounds patriotic and proud, but the rest of us can identify with the act as "Wasting Tax Payer Money to Support Alien Wildlife."

Wild horses and burros have all been introduced from Europe and they are destroying indigenous plants, yet we are going to spend roughly $600 million to enhance their breeding, pay for any damages they cause to native plants, and to employ people to guard them. For cripes sake, horses are getting a bailout while the rest of the country is being laid off and people are living in fear because they cannot put food on the table for their families.

The sheer audacity of Rep. Nick Rahall to have spent so much time and effort fabricating such a piece of excessive tax payer waste is beyond my ability to comprehend. We are in one of the worst financial recessions of all time, and we have not nearly hit rock bottom. We are about to approve the biggest national debt ever imagined, if you can imagine what a trillion dollars is even like. We are also about to receive the biggest load of propaganda to nueter and destroy our largest industry: healthcare. Yet we need to spend money on pet projects like this to guarantee a bunch of hooved animals get more protections under the government then the american worker.

Please call or write to tell Rep. Nick Rahall who the real jackass is, this is absurd.

WV (D) Rep. Nick Rahall
email him
or call (202) 225-3452
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

June Unemployment

Stay tuned, the big unemployment numbers are coming on Friday, July 17th from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. My prediction puts Ohio at 11.5% unemployment, the National average at 10.2% and the poor state of Michigan into the 16% range. The worst, apparently, is yet to come. Once unemployment benefits begin drying up, the country is going to be in a real angry mess. Hopefully grassroots conservatism and libertarianism picks up those angry, laid off blue collar workers and reminds them that they voted for Change. I still dream of the day civic responsibility overcomes fancy campaign commercials and media worship.
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Ford Sells More Fusions Then Chrysler Does Cars

This should be a lesson to those companies that took / needed bailout money. It seems using the ideas of a free market is the best way to go. Ford managed to cut back, reorganize and reevaluate their future investments to still be churning out enough product that they haven't gone under. Meanwhile, consumer confidence has been eroded so bad at GM and Chrysler, that they are going to plummet even faster. The next two years are critical for Ford, and I expect them to pull out of this whole mess with a better outlook for the future. Checkout the Fusion, it ranks high in the categories most people consider.

GM seems to have taken market lessons well and introduced the most ridiculous things from R&D. These soon to be classic models show exactly why Americans will continue to ignore the faltering auto-giants offerings. Would you invest in a company that thinks the future of driving is in a flimsy, upright Segway knock off? People seem to want cargo space, seating for 5, fuel economy and RELIABILITY. Not some death pod with gyro-training wheels. Seriously, how much medical marijuana was needed in the design meeting when this passed from a lousy napkin sketch to budgeting development? Enough to help Michigan toward 20% unemployment, that's for sure.

I was happy to see Goldman-Sachs predicting positive growth and repaying their TARP money. The more companies not on the government dole, the better. We need to do exactly as President Obama said "roll up our sleeves and do the hard work". Asking Uncle Sam for money that isn't even really his, isn't exactly "tightening our belts". It is backdoor theft, and we are asking our children to be witness to a new culture of beggars. There are dozens of banks that needed punishment with failure. How soon will it be that another wave of companies is asking for help while promising campaign support? 2010 is next year, and I imagine the begging is already happening in the meeting rooms of many Congressmen and Senators as we speak.

I ask you to all continue to support and REWARD successful corporations. A Corporation is a business made up of individuals, and we should quit demonizing them and start supporting them. We are the ticket out of this mess, not more debt and doomed-to-fail-socialist fantasies. Let us help the country by fixing it at the bottom, not by adding weight to the top.

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