Friday, May 22, 2009

Move Over Bush, Hospitals Ruined The World

If you haven't seen the latest economy related political ads running on TV, I will direct you right to their source.

Prepare your defense liberals, because you are still complaining about the assertion that Saddam had WMDs and this wasn't reason enough to enter Iraq. You ignored the economic and political rationale at the time. This should be griped about equally, but you'll pass over it because your hypocritical policies never make sense as a whole. You don't mind waiting a few months for your AIDS treatment.

Apparently, the group Healthy Economy Now is blaming the current financial CRISIS on America's outdated and inefficient healthcare system. The commercial looked like it was made by the same producers who worked on the Obama campaign. The affiliated industries who make up this new group are the typical capitalist hating, socialist loving organizations. Surprise, surprise.

Healthcare in this country may need some work, but it certainly does not need to go nationalized. It is the largest employer in the country. Again, Healthcare is the #1 industry in America, and should be treated as one with room to grow, not a financial burden. The government does not need to get into the position of controlling healthcare. If it takes the President 2-3 days to know what he is talking about, how quick will it take budget leaders who decide whether or not your kidney surgery is too expensive. I'm guessing 2-3 days too late. Maybe the coffin and mortuary lobby is behind the scenes on this one.

Sadly, this is only the beginning of the propaganda parade associated with the new administration. I can't wait to see the other connections that are made. When we are attacked again by terrorists, I am sure it will be the fault of coal miners because they are tunneling too close to Pakistan as they dig in Appalachia. When do we decide the lies end?

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