More campaign promises, as I doubt a single person has read this bill. Do the secretaries and pages just run into the committee chambers and through large stacks of the bill in at the last minute? Do they have a thousand page bill shuffler? This bill, loaded with all sorts of unrelated nonsense, is as long as the Bible. It will likely never see the light of day as far as the public is concerned. Where is the ACLU pumping their angry fists demanding that we have public access to all these closed door shenanigans?
Just remember, Obama said the average American would not see a single tax increase during his tenure. The soft drink companies, ammunition manufacturers tobacco companies, grocery stores, gas stations and car dealerships see the increase instead. We don't get the increases directly and most of our children will bare the burden later. Think of the hundreds of copies at over 100 pages each were printed for this bill. Now we are going to label and go after those that produce carbon dioxide, or all living things. This is only within the first few months of this so called "moderate" presidency. If we do not exercise what rights we have left now, we will not have them later.
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