GM seems to have taken market lessons well and introduced the most ridiculous things from R&D. These soon to be classic models show exactly why Americans will continue to ignore the faltering auto-giants offerings. Would you invest in a company that thinks the future of driving is in a flimsy, upright Segway knock off? People seem to want cargo space, seating for 5, fuel economy and RELIABILITY. Not some death pod with gyro-training wheels. Seriously, how much medical marijuana was needed in the design meeting when this passed from a lousy napkin sketch to budgeting development? Enough to help Michigan toward 20% unemployment, that's for sure.
I was happy to see Goldman-Sachs predicting positive growth and repaying their TARP money. The more companies not on the government dole, the better. We need to do exactly as President Obama said "roll up our sleeves and do the hard work". Asking Uncle Sam for money that isn't even really his, isn't exactly "tightening our belts". It is backdoor theft, and we are asking our children to be witness to a new culture of beggars. There are dozens of banks that needed punishment with failure. How soon will it be that another wave of companies is asking for help while promising campaign support? 2010 is next year, and I imagine the begging is already happening in the meeting rooms of many Congressmen and Senators as we speak.
I ask you to all continue to support and REWARD successful corporations. A Corporation is a business made up of individuals, and we should quit demonizing them and start supporting them. We are the ticket out of this mess, not more debt and doomed-to-fail-socialist fantasies. Let us help the country by fixing it at the bottom, not by adding weight to the top.
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