Now, we are playing up the Muslim heritage and this world traveller idea to be diplomatic with the Islamic world. Maybe the public will suddenly get over their islamaphobia and see this as another great reason for having elected President Obama. To be honest, I am not entirely sure what the outcome is to be.
This isn't going to get Iran to cease on their path for nuclear technology, their fight is with Israel. I also feel that the further we strain relations with Israel, the more panicked they are going to become. The entire world reacts now as if EVERYTHING were a crisis, so imagine Israel taking a crisis and arming their warheads.
Is Saudi Arabia going to pressure OPEC? The last 4 presisdents have had a hard time dealing with that situation (Jimmy Carter doesn't count) and I doubt Mr. Obama bowing to the Saudis is going to make a bit of difference.
The only discernible difference I can imagine from the Islamic world is Egypt. By getting Egypt to take up sides with the U.S. and the rest of the Islamic nations on the accord of a Palestinian state, perhaps Israel will concede? With hardline conservative leadership, this seems like it will only push Israel into exclusion.
That aside, Osama bin Laden managed to get onto Al Jezzera today (why can't they reveal their sources) and continue his jihad against America. So it continues. Unless our president sits down and negotiates, "diplomatically", with terrorists, they aren't going to stop. They don't stop because Islamic leaders are shaking hands with a black Muslim president. They don't stop because you bow to the Saudis. They HATE America and will not end their jihad until they are captured, or America falls. Diplomacy is great, but don't let the image fool you. We still are in a dangerous chapter, and without real pressure on the terrorists, 9/11 will find a repeat.
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