Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Entitled: The Boys in Blue

I'll confess, I was in Washington DC for Memorial Day weekend. I saw the concert Sunday night in front of the Capital Building. After the concert we stayed put on the green and were talking when an officer strolled up and shone a flashlight in our faces. I hate when they do that, although I understand that is just part of their job. I feel like I should spread my arms and call out for Jesus in the blinding light. He told us, flatly "Show's over, you need to leave". To which I responded pointing at the Capital and land around it, "didn't I pay for all of this, didn't my ancestors pay for this ground with their blood?". Cops apparently don't have a sense of humor, and we were forced to move.

We then crossed 3rd street back onto the mall to take the Smithsonian station Metro. We had to wait as two cops blazed down the gravel pedestrian paths in the dark and cut through the crosswalk onto the street. I thought maybe they were in a rush, but after getting on the street, they just slowed down, both officers smiling. Thanks for the rock and dirt shower.

This is a great representation of the problems in American government today. Congress Members, Senators, Judges and Presidents do things because they can. We don't have a real system of "shouldn't" but instead we have a system of "can". Maybe this is why Jefferson wrote about the government fearing the people. Tyranny must be held in check, otherwise, authority will continue to do everything and anything they CAN.
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