Friday, June 12, 2009

San Francisco: Gayest City in the World

If California spent as much time and effort with their budget as they do thinking up schemes to nanny their citizens, there would be no state deficit. From banning real energy solutions, to denying consumers the purchase of a certain color car; California has gone from a land of opportunity to a land of supervision. San Francisco is pushing hard to be the city with more fines and regulations for citizens with the least for illegal immigrants. Their newest law on food scraps might take the cake.

Penalizing homes and businesses for throwing away scrap food is like penalizing people for having their house too cold in the summer. This is the sanitary department asking you to make your home a little less sanitary. I have spent a lot of time in San Fran, and there are numerous homes with compost bins in the kitchen. All of them stink. Worse yet is you cannot compost processed foods. Perhaps we should just quit eating processed foods all together, and switch to your local, organic market. They aren't viable businesses, but with the right legal tinkering, you won't get the choice.

Then you have the many businesses that will be required to compost, but cannot. Any fast food restaurant that doesn't serve unprocessed food is fine. I know of two. Then you have places like In-N-Out, who are going to be in a lot of trouble within city limits. Finding ways to tax and punish successful business always bodes well in a tough economic climate. San Francisco may have just upstaged Los Angeles ban on Taco Wagons by nailing 90% of the restaurants in the city with outrageous penalties. How happy is Boudin's going to be when they are slapped with millions of dollars for wasted food? The systematic punishment of successful business labelled with the moniker "crisis" has got to stop in this country. No infrastructure can continue to support failed socialist businesses with "living wages" in the backdrop of economic turmoil. We are all failing.

For the consumer, the outlook is less dim. Just stop in at your local hardware store and pick up an in-sink aerator. The Garbage Disposal needs to make a comeback anyway. Nothing melts your frustrations away like watching left over food disappear to the grinding sound of a legal and fine free disposal solution. Maybe by this time next year, the George W. Bush Water Treatment plant will be guzzling down millions of gallons of food waste. You knew naming that plant would be ironic, just not like this.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

AFLCIO: Actress Edie Falco Joins Healthcare Reform

You heard it right folks, actress Edie Falco, star of "Nurse Jackie", has gone ahead to endorse HCAN according to the AFL-CIO. HCAN is the Heath Care for America Now! organization that seems to think that the largest employer in the U.S. is not a viable business, but a burden. It sounds like someone was trying too hard to connect healthcare reform to "Yes We Can" and NOW! They finally have the acclaimed actress's blessing. If only playing a nurse on TV was like going to med school for 10 years.


Give me a break. Where are the endorsements from the private health sector? Where are all the stories pouring out from real physicians and real nurses. Mostly just service workers, free healthcare providers, certain politicians, marxists and television stars. When the new Government Regulated Healthcare passes, does Falco win a nobel peace prize for supporting it and appointed a position in the White House? It wouldn't be the first time an actor was appointed to head up a position for President Obama. And I doubt it will be the last.

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Unconstitutional Laws at Work

My heart goes out to those families involved in yesterday's senseless act of violence at the National Holocaust Museum. Especially the loved ones of Stephen Johns, who was killed doing his job. I also want to extend my prayers to the family of the shooter, James von Brunn, because he is obviously a very confused and lost person. Unfortunately in a country where free thinking and individual ideas are supposedly protected; you will always have an element who decides to take away the another's pursuit to life, liberty and happiness.

I did want to note, that the 88 year old white supremacist managed to somehow, circumvent laws in Washington, and bring in illegal firearms. Yes, even with a Gun-Ban in place, he somehow still managed to carry weapons within the district. Like a stealthy spy, he concealed and blatantly violated a law. How are we supposed to sleep know that law abiding citizens will not exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights, while seedy criminals will? This is a Gun-Ban dammit! It is supposed to stop crime.

Yet gangs, criminals, thieves and murders continue to use unregistered, illegal firearms. The government also continues to act in a completely unchecked, tyrannical manner. Because police cannot be everywhere at once, we rely on private security forces. Even with private security guards present, a shooting and a murder occurred. I am not arguing that privately armed citizens may have made a difference, but without legally concealed weapons and a death penalty, what did an 88 year old gunman have to lose? At worst he would be in jail till his death, or at best he would die a martyr to his scum cause.

Given that we live in a world where the constant threat of terror is very real, and given that ANYONE can obtain and carry a weapon; why are the law abiding letting this continue. In Chicago, where violence has escalated at an obscene pace, a Gun-Ban continues. The solution: a proposed highway speed camera system that uses fines to fund an elite urban commando force. The solution is never to generate legal business in gun sales, lessons and licensing. It is always the opposite, enforcing stricter fines, increasing infrastructure and adding more powerful policing units to the street with little effect.

Thomas Jefferson once wrote, "The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes....Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."

He knew in 1764 that in order to be independent, courageous and bold, you had to be armed at all times. Also, that carrying a firearm also places great respect and responsibility on the citizen. If our own history is not taken more seriously, we will be doomed to repeat it.

The indicators are all there, and I feel sorry that more could not have been done to instill fear and respect into the mind of von Brunn so he would never attempt such a heinous act of cowardice. This isn't about gun lobbying, or using violence; this is about our constitutional rights to protect ourselves and generate respect for those who wish to control us. The sovereignty of this country lies within the people, not the law makers. We must exercise our freedoms as is written and protected. Otherwise, those who wish to violate the constitution will continue unchecked to take the lives, liberties and happiness of others.

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